Random Word Novella-WRiting Challenge…Join Me

Every now and again, even with a mountain of WIPs staring out at you for the creative recesses of your mind and the shadows of several synopsis whispering to you, one finds themselves TOTALLY distracted by a totally unrelated writing challenge.

Photo by Michael Burrows on Pexels.com

This is where I have currently found myself and I have decided to invite you all along on my journey!

Now, let me give you a bit of insight into what has inspired this challenge. A few years ago, I decided to unsuccessfully paint a small abstract painting. I shamelessly have the confetti explosion of random colors hung proudly upon my wall and each time I look at it I find myself saying its name out loud, “The Dodo Lives in Joshua Tree.”

The title is only marginally random as there looks to be a Dodo in the painting and oddly enough when my glasses are off, there are appears to be a house. But those two things aside, it seems as if my calling out the painting’s name has called a story into being, one born from fragments of other fictional ideas and novel what-ifs.

For a few days now, the story has been taking up more and more space in my imagination, thus winning the right to exist in this present moment, giving birth to this challenge!



A creative writing challenge where your story is guided by a collection of 30 to 50 random words. Your goal is to:

  1. Use 1 to 2 words a day to guide the narrative of your novella and the ebbs and flows of your plot
  2. Aim for at least 400 words a day

Remember, a novella is roughly 17,500 to 40,000 words in length (30,000 being the sweet spot) so in order to reach the goal of 17,500, you will need to average 583 words a day. BUT KEEP IN MIND lean days are often followed by fat and full days so if you are shy of the 583-word goal every now and again, don’t sweat it.

And a nugget of thought for those panicking at that number, you likely type more than that in a random text thread or comments on social media posts so you’ve got this in the bag.

If this still seems too much, try writing a NOVELLETE or SHORT STORY

You will need to write:

  1. 7,700 to 10,000 words total
  2. 256 words a day (to reach 7,700)


The challenge begins today, Tuesday, April 5th, and runs until midnight on Thursday, May 5th.


You can use the list that I have compiled below or you can go to the Random Word Generator site and create your own list.

Here is my list of 50 Words:

• terrify
• cousin
• act
• square
• patient
• straw
• occupy
• temperature
• thank
• produce
• video
• willpower
• settle
• electronics
• hurt
• stitch
• kneel
• arena
• sandwich
• senior
• layer
• find
• presence
• driver
• differ
• seat
• spirit
• crutch
• invisible
• awful
• project
• revoke
• peasant
• forge
• grand
• thinker
• despair
• pain
• subway
• absent
• application
• privacy
• defeat
• address
• heaven
• mutation
• cute
• sustain
• cope
• foreigner

I do how you join me on the journey and share with others.

AND if you see this posted challenge after the 5th, then let whatever day you find it, be the start of your 30-day writing challenge. Just give it a shot. I promise you won’t regret it!

Until next time.

Write on? RIGHT ON!

Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”

Louis L’Amour

Podcasts, Practices, & Novel Ideas: What’s New with Me

Hello Hello, fellow Genre-Jumpers! It has been a long while of mostly silence but silence and stillness are very necessary things, especially when it comes to growing creatively. I am not 100% certain, but I think it’s been easily two years since I greeted you all, (Announcement that my debut novel was free for a spell, aside) and let me start by saying I’ve missed you!

Now that that’s taken care of, let’s talk about what has been going on.


Yes, you read that correctly. Last month, I not only launched a new website BUT a whole Podcast to go along with it!

The podcast is called THESE READ LETTERS, and it is not only for writers but readers as well. Here is my fancy tagline:

A bi-weekly, motivational Podcast for Writers & Readers exploring how to tell stories with intention.

As creatives, as humans, expressing ourselves verbally has its own set of challenges but when we seek to weave stories and express the thoughts of others, the process can be even more so, despite the excitement that it brings. Having had the misfortune of reading one too many books that lost their way, I decided that it was time to not only offer whatever help I could but also set a table to learn myself.

Creating is a continuous process of growth and learning. We all have moments where we miss the mark. I want to help myself and others stay on track from the starting word until the glory of typing ‘the end’.

The website will not only host links for the podcast itself, which you can also follow on Spotify, but that is where my Writer’s Wisdom and creative writing prompts and exercises will be as well! So I encourage you to follow and share with others.

And please leave comments and feedback. The only way I can improve and help you improve as well is to know what it is that you are most curious about. So leave a comment or shoot me an email at thesereadletters@gmail.com.


In the mean and between time of creating new podcast content, and working an audiobook and new cover for NEXUS GATE, I have decided to jump to another genre and write a random-generated-word Clean read, romcom.

Creating is a continuous process of growth and learning.

Candice Coates

It already has a title and is based off one of my failed attempts at being an abstract artist. It is actually titled for the painting that has inspired it.

If you are feeling froggy and would like to leap into this April writing challenge, you can do so by checking out the post HERE for more details.

That is all for now but I will be back sooner than later, dropping off writing prompt results and sharing future art and other novel ideas.

Until we meet again.

Write on? RIGHT ON!

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.

Anaïs Nin

Nexus Gate 4037: The Animal, Free on Amazon for a limited time!

Hello friends and fellow Genre-Jumpers! It’s been a while since we’ve conversed and I’d like to take a moment to apologize for that, BUT I also hope that life has treated you well since our silence began and ended.

Today, I’d like to share some grand news with you all. NEXUS GATE 4037: THE ANIMAL will be FREE for ebook download from Monday, February 28th until the end of Tuesday, March 1st.

why the free days?

There are several reasons why I would like to get Nexus Gate into your hands FOR FREE. The first of which is that I believe in this story and I know that you all do as well, and with that in mind, I want to share it and encourage you to share it with everyone you know as well.

After all, it’s free for a limited time.

The second reason is that I, a little over a year ago, removed NEXUS GATE from the KDP Ads program and by doing so, fell completely off the Amazon ranking database. So not only is Nexus Gate no longer showing its ranking, but it is hard to find even if you type the title into the search area.

The third reason is Nexus Gate, though having a well-intended cover design at the start, has come to be somewhat … flat. The baby needs a makeover! So in the meantime, I want to allow those of you who have not had the chance to give it a read to do so now.

Why the makeover?

As I’ve said, we need a new, strong, and gripping cover, one that aligns perfectly with the story and the characters. In addition to that, WE ARE WORKING ON A HARDCOPY through Barnes & Nobles as well as an AUDIOBOOK for those who’d love to read the story but don’t have the time to do so via hardcopy or ebook.

How you can heLP

Download, share, and leave honest feedback.

DOWNLOAD AND SHARE: Even if you don’t feel like you have the time to read through, download it and encourage others to do so as well. This will help me get back into the Amazon ranking and prepare it to be seen when the audiobook and hardcover come out for sale.

SHARE WITH OTHERS: I can’t ask that enough. The more you share the more others download and again it is FOR FREE!

LEAVE ME FEEDBACK: Whether you choose to do so on Amazon, or even on Goodreads, leave me feedback so that I can make the necessary changes before it is reprinted. You can even email me at candicecoateswrites@gmail.com and tell me what you think there! I would greatly appreciate it.

Get it HERE now!

“The best things in life are free … or $19.95.”

~I don’t know who said it, but I like it

Podcast Interview & a Chance to Win a FREE eBook Copy of NEXUS GATE 4037: THE ANIMAL

Hello there, Genre Jumpers!

First, let me say Happy 2020! It is never too late to wish happiness and clarity of vision in the new year, especially when it is the start of a new decade.

With it being just that, I am making plans for my next publication and had the pleasure of being featured on a fellow writer’s website, Hello C.S. Dorsey,  to give a talk about my plans as well as give advice to others on how to Level Up in the new year.


This was my very first time being featured on a podcast, and I have to say it was fantastic fun!

Candice, as is her name as well, has created a wonderful platform that helps others with a passion for writing to learn the ins and outs of writing, publishing, marketing, etc. So many of us have a story to tell but have no idea where to start. Candice can help guide you on your journey.



If you are following me but haven’t had a chance to get your hands on a copy of NEXUS GATE 4037: THE ANIMAL, here is your chance to win a FREE Kindle eBOOK Copy!

How to win: Starting today, Wednesday, February 5th

  • Follow my Instagram as well as Hello CS Dorsey
  • Tag 2 friends who love to read and would love to write a book
  • And that is it!

A random winner will be chosen and announced on Saturday, February the 8th.

I am really excited for you all to hear this podcast and can’t wait to share my book with the winner!

Don’t be ‘a writer’. Be writing. ~WILLIAM FAULKNER

The Muse in Our Music: How Sound Inspires Story

*Originally published on I Came For The Soup… June 23, 2014

“…music is the water that takes potentiality and turns it into a tangible substance.”

Music, whether it is just background noise or a tool used to build the plots of my written works, has always been a big part of my creative process, and it always will be.

Whenever I write, whenever I create visual art, I always allow my ‘ear gates’ to be open. With writing, there is, of course, the ‘eye gate’ that we all use in order to aid in the imagery of our stories giving our creations a place to tread upon. Visual stimulus is a fantastic seed, that when planted in the right creative soil, can hold the potential of yielding a magnificent literary harvest.

But sound, music, music is the water that takes potentiality and turns it into a tangible substance.

Song and sound are the creative vibrations that resonate in the deepest part of our soul, spirit, and imagination. Song shifts the atmosphere around us, changes our mood, directs our minds.

Music is the inspirational tool that we all use on a daily basis whether we realize it or not. The sound of fan blades blowing in your ears at night helps you to sleep. The sound of rain, thunder, and lightning help you to relax and for me, create.

Music keys are Keys that unlock the doors to our created worlds and the hearts and minds of our characters.

Love songs put us in a loving mood. Angry songs make us want to break things. When we struggle to connect with our emotions, music, be it with words or just instrumentals, help us to say and express what needs to be said and expressed in the moment when our own words fail us.

With each novel that I have sat down to write, I have leaned on specific tunes to meditate on in order to “get my head in the game,” if you will. Not only does the music remind me of the story and place me right in the center of the plot, but it gets my inner-man, my creative man, in touch with the emotion and mood of the scene. Most importantly, it helps me get into the heads of my characters.

Without doing this, getting into the characters’ heads and hearts, there would be no story to tell. Music is the bridge that brings our worlds together.

Music is a language all its own. It has a sound and it has a script. It has to be learned for literacy but even without literacy we all come tuned to understand what is being said. The beauty of it is that the lyrics can be saying something contrary to the story it births in us.

For each story that I have written, there is a different soundtrack or sound map. The keys within the songs help me unlock each character. Sometimes I focus on one specific character and through their unveiling, I see into the hearts of the other characters around them.

Just like us, our characters are people too. They are complex, they are layered, and like symphonies, they have highs and lows, drama and peace.

Create an atmosphere of sound for yourself and your stories. Let the music and sound speak and be sure to listen.

“The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words.”  ~William H. Gass

NaNoWriMo: Encouragement For the Weeks Ahead

*Originally Published on I Came For The Soup… November 6, 2017

The first week of NaNoWriMo is behind us with many more blessedly ahead. Some of you have achieved your daily writing and creative goals while others may have missed your designated marks shy of a few words.

No worries. You will achieve your goal if you stick with it. Consider the first week of NaNo as your glorious warm up.

The fact still remains that when we set out with a great goal and miss our intended marks at the very start, we tend to lose momentum or even the courage to continue. Our plans seem not to be as ‘plausible’ as they were before…and then we drift…staring at our computer screens too afraid to make music by clicking the keys of our keyboards.

Can we really do this? Can we conquer our vision for NaNoWriMo? Everyone else around us seems to be doing just fine.

I would like to take this time to give you a bit of creative advice especially in moments when our creativity seems to get the best of us and cause knots to form in our bellies as well as our creative thoughts.


  1. My advice to you is to simply breathe: We as humans, have this tendency to back ourselves into corners of overwhelm. Our overwhelm is sometimes the result of negative imaginings that have nothing to do with the truth. If you feel yourself going there, take some deep breaths and reclaim your thoughts with calm.
  2. Take pauses when you need to. Take a few steps back if you are feeling overwhelmed: Some of the best solutions to our roadblocks are creating gaps by stepping away from the problem. By doing so, we are able to see what is before us from a different vantage point and gain other solutions. By stepping back from your nano project, you are able to reclaim the joy of the writing adventure by seeing it for what it is, an adventure!
  3. See other Creatives as community not competition: Sometimes when we are racing toward a finish line we tend to turn our eyes and focus on those around us. Let’s make it a point to no longer see other creatives as competition but community.

Be encouraged by what your neighbor has done and take hope in knowing that you can do it too but in your own unique way.

Don’t give up! There are several full weeks left ahead. Keep your focus, keep your peace, and keep writing!

“We work in the dark — we do what we can — we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art.” ~HENRY JAMES


How to Tackle NaNoWriMo: My Advice To You (Day 5 of Countdown)

There are now less than 24 hours left before the worldwide writing frenzy of NaNoWriMo begins! Before you begin, I would like to give you my last token of creative advice.


Now, I imagine that this may have you thinking of soundtrack in the same way one thinks of a movie soundtrack. Well, that is not exactly what I am referring to here.

Movie soundtracks are designed to lead the audience in a specific emotional direction while watching the movie unfold. If a romantic scene is on the horizon, cue the sexy music. If suspense, then in comes the music that gets your pulse racing.


With the soundtrack for your novel,  collect tracks that get you into the head of your characters and reminds you of the spirit of your story as a whole.

Now there are songs that you can gather that help you to build certain scenes, similar to the way movies do, and those are helpful as well.

For me, I generally have specific songs for each of my characters. This helps me to keep every one authentic. Writing a novel in 30 days can cause a bit of character confusion if you are not careful. Soundtracks per person can help eliminate that.


Remember music is a muse. When I need to let my mind rest and my fingers stretch from a long stint of typing, I use this time to sit back, close my eyes, and listen to the songs that I’ve gathered that reminded me of my characters and my plotline.

This way, even while resting, I am still allowing my imagination to keep working on the story.

Think of it as an imaginative interlude and meditation. And trust me, it helps a lot.


If you have time, check out sample chapters to my next novel, but FIRST EVER 30-Day Novel, WARDEN  (eBook and Paperback COMING SOON!)

Check-in next week for  The Muse in the Music, just to give you a deeper dive into how music shapes our creative process.


Should music not be the muse and medicine that you need to keep in tune with your characters (pun not intended) then try this writing prompt that I created, Coffee With Character…or Tea. The exercise is all about getting to know each individual character in your story on a more personal level.

For instance, knowing your character likes to wear red socks on Monday may not be something you add to the story itself but it is something that helps you, the writer, build the world of their personality. It’s an intimate nuance that sheds greater light on their behaviors.

As laughable as it may seem, a person that specific with something as trivial as sock color will be less prone to certain behaviors, while apter in yielding to others.


So here is another brief recap of NaNo Tokens:

TIP 1. Write anything. Let your imagination take control. (Click HERE for full article)

TIP 2. Have a reader who will look over your daily progress with an honest reader’s eye, and give you feedback. (Click HERE for full article)

TIP 3. Set a daily word count goal that you can manage. (Click HERE for full article

TIP 4. Keep a “SPICE RACK”  of ideas  and scenes in a separate word document

TIP 5. Create a playlist that reminds you of your characters and plot, that you can meditate on during downtime.

BONUS: Check out my debut novel, NEXUS GATE 4037: THE ANIMAL, my first published piece born from a 30-day writing marathon like NaNoWriMo, both in eBook and Paperback.


Most importantly, just have fun. Write because you can. Write because you want to, and write because your imagination is worth the time to share!

Cheers! and Happy NaNoWriMo!

“There are no laws for the novel. There never have been, nor can there ever be.” ~DORIS LESSING



*Revised from October 2015, 2017


Years ago, when I first started blogging, I made mention on my creative ministry site, I Came For The Soup, of separate documents that I keep alongside each novel that I work on which contains ideas, scenes, etc pertaining to that story. Now to be clear, this document is NOT an Outline. It is what I call a ‘Spice Rack.’

pexels-photo-256318Assuming (again) that you are already a seasoned writer, I am pretty sure you are familiar with the process of your creativity ‘jumping ahead’ of your story as you write it. For example, you may be working on chapter five when suddenly some thrilling scene pops in your head that has nothing to do with the current flow of the story BUT it somehow fits, like a glimpse into the future. You just don’t know where.


If you are smart, YOU WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY! and you store what you have written in the, you guessed it, spice rack document. (And when I say write it down, I don’t mean write ABOUT it, I mean actually WRITE it as if that is where you are in the novel. This will save you time later and give you the full feeling of your characters’ future selves.)

These scenes may not fit immediately into the storyline, but they do count toward your daily word count and overall word count goal. As you continue writing you will surely find out that this ‘homeless’ scene you took a pause to build early on around ‘chapter five’ was actually the climax of chapter twenty-seven! (Glad you wrote it down when it came to you, aren’t you? )


Keep in mind that writing a novel is kind of like making soup from scratch. You have all the basic ingredients, but as the stock is cooking there are times that you taste test it and find that it just needs something to give it that little extra kick. What do you do? You go to your spice rack.

As you grow deeper into your novel during NaNoWriMo, you will draw toward moments where you just feel like something is missing. This is where you open up your spice-rack-document and grab one of those seemingly out of place bits of writing that you cranked out of nowhere.

For me, there were conversations, heated ones, that my characters who hadn’t even met yet, were having somewhere in the future, and as I kept writing I subconsciously built my way into each one of those Spice Rack scenes.

I have actually been doing the ‘Spice Rack’ since I was fourteen years old…I am now old enough to have a fourteen-year-old.

So here is another brief recap of NaNo Tokens:

TIP 1. Write anything. Let your imagination take control. (Click HERE for full article)

TIP 2. Have a reader who will look over your daily progress with an honest reader’s eye, and give you feedback. (Click HERE for full article)

TIP 3. Set a daily word count goal that you can manage. (Click HERE for full article

TIP 4. Keep a “SPICE RACK”  of ideas  and scenes in a separate word document

BONUS: Check out my debut novel, NEXUS GATE 4037: THE ANIMAL, my first published piece born from a 30-day writing marathon like NaNoWriMo, both in eBook and Paperback.


“You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” ~JODI PICOULT

How to Tackle NaNoWriMo: My Advice To You (Day 3 of Countdown)


Setting a daily word count goal is such a helpful thing because it gives you a window or a destination for creative breaks.  If you start NaNoWriMo with the goal of 50,000 words, you run the risk of seeing a never-ending tunnel that just keeps getting longer no matter how fast, hard or far you run.tunnel

Do the math and add on from there. It requires a minimum of 1,666 words typed each day in order to reach 50,000 words by close of November 30th.

I suggest aiming for a higher word count goal for each day but with a cushion for a minimum. If you are already a writer you know that even with set goals, life happens and you may not get to write a single word at all.


I scheduled my writing into two sessions a day. In the morning I would write for about 2 to 3 hours with a goal of 2,000 to 3,000 words in that session. And then in the evening, I would write again with a word count goal of 1,500 to 2,000 words.

With roughly 5,000 words written each day, this left me wiggle room for the days where “life” interrupted my flow and meant that I had managed enough words to be closer to 50,000.

Perfect example. The first year I attempted to write a novel in 30 days, I used this model of word count. Things went very well for most of the month but then my neighborhood lost power (as did most of the city due to bad storms. The electricity was out FOR A WEEK!

I had to literally write by candlelight and by hand.

Glad to say that I did make well over novel statues by the end of 30 days and even finished the entire manuscript by close of day 96. (That novel will be available WINTER/SPRING 2020. Click HERE for DETAILS.) But because I had managed to work in 5,000 words a day I had afforded myself that cushion for when life took over.

So if you are keeping up, here are the refreshers with my advice:

TIP 1. Write anything. Let your imagination take control. (Click HERE for full article)

TIP 2. Have a reader who will look over your daily progress with an honest reader’s eye, and give you feedback. (Click HERE for full article)

TIP 3. Set a daily word count goal that you can manage.

BONUS: Check out my debut novel, NEXUS GATE 4037: THE ANIMAL, my first published piece born from a 30-day writing marathon like NaNoWriMo, both in eBook and Paperback.


Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” ~LOUIS L’AMOUR