On Amazon ONLY!: Nexus Gate Publishing Decisions & Inktober News

Hello, Genre Jumpers! This month of September has been a loaded one. With starting to work from home, building a workable creative rhythm and schedule, getting NEXUS GATE 4037: THE ANIMAL formatted for paperback publication, and a list of other things, let’s just say this woman is tired, but in a good way.

Here is what’s going down.



After weeks of disputing with Barnes & Noble about ISBN ownership, I have decided to ONLY publish on AMAZON. I apologize for any inconveniences that I have caused my hopeful B&N readers but Amazon is simply the best option for me and my book at the moment.

I have to say that I have had a great level of peace concerning this decision and have gleaned a lot of useful knowledge for my next indie publication coming in the Winter of 2020


So if you are ready to get your read on with Nexus Gate, head on over to Amazon and make all of your reading-dreams come true!

I’ve ordered my author copy and will share that soon, as well as a personal paperback from B&N, just to do some comparisons on final products.


This image is not my property, and by sharing, I am in no way assuming any ownership.

Being that I am not only a writer but an artist, I am planning to participate in my first ever round of Inktober, created by illustrator, Jake Parker. Although I am going to try my hand at doing prompted sketches, I am also going to attempt to create some micro-fiction to go along with each picture.

This is mighty ambitious BUT I need to stretch my creative muscles and this seems to be the best way to do so.

I’m also not using the official Inktober list, but another that was created by an illustrator I follow on Instagram. Their list is set up to create a more personal set of daily prompt words and I really enjoy that concept.

I am imagining making really cool pieces and stories to share here on my site and eventually my online store, which will be coming soon as well.


  1. The paperback of Nexus Gate will ONLY be sold on Amazon, as well as the eBook
  2. I am going to make some art and new micro-fiction in October!

Thanks for journeying along with me and I look forward to reading your reviews on my debut novel!

~Candice, The Genre Jumper

If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal.” ~UNKNOWN

*Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash


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